
PC/ CPU power consumption Killowatt, monthly electric bill

CPU power consumption killowatt, monthly electric bill:

***NOTE: IDLE/Light usage: 70 Watts average

Gaming: 270 Watts average

Plus the MONITOR which might be 30Watts or more (see manual)

If you're running at full power most of the time

[(cpu components+monitor+printer/scanner+Skeaker) power] x (hours on per month) /1000 = Z

Z x (cost per killowatt) = how much your bill would go up

If you are consuming 250w total

24x30 = 720 hrs

250w x 720h=180000 wH (watt-hours)

36000/1000 = 180 KwH of electric power used.

Now, KwH
x (cost per killowatt) = how much your bill would go up

*** This calculation exclude Monitor power. Hope you can now calculate your own PC's Electricity Bill, Happy Enjoying...!!! 
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